Michael Gowin

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How to Get Your Customer's Attention with the StoryBrand Framework

Here’s a familiar scene:

You show up early to save seats at a sporting event—football, soccer, baseball—doesn’t matter which.

The seats fill up as more fans arrive.

Raucous pre-game music blares through the loudspeakers.

A few minutes later, you notice your friends walking slowly through the stands, scanning the crowd for any hint of you.

You spot them and wave frantically—I’m up here!—hoping they’ll see you. But there are so many people waving to their friends and so much noise, you can’t get their attention.

After a few moments of frustrating uncertainty, your friends finally spot you, they join you in the seats you saved, and you enjoy the game together.

The same story plays out for your business—though the happy ending isn’t guaranteed.

Your Business Challenge: Getting Your Customer’s Attention

One of the biggest challenges you face as a business owner is getting your customer’s attention.

You have to cut through the cacophony of marketing noise created not just by your competitors but by every other business trying to grab their attention.

If you want to reach more customers and grow your business, you have to cut through that noise.

The StoryBrand Framework Gets Your Customer’s Attention

The StoryBrand messaging framework can help you do that.

StoryBrand relies on a truth storytellers have known for thousands of years: people pay attention to interesting stories

And they especially pay attention when the story is about them.

When you learn the StoryBrand framework, you learn how to create a clear message with a simple, repeatable model:

  • Cast your customer in the role of the hero who has a problem to solve

  • Position your business as the expert guide who can solve their problem

  • Present an easy-to-follow plan that leads them to action—choosing your business

Once you’ve created that clear, compelling message, you can put it to work in your sales funnel: your website, lead generator, and automated email marketing campaigns.

Best of all—when you apply the StoryBrand framework to your marketing, you can get more leads. 

Four Ways to Learn the StoryBrand Framework

The StoryBrand framework is a proven model that works for companies of any size, from solopreneurs to billion-dollar brands. Here’s how you can start learning it today.

Podcast: Marketing Made Simple - FREE

On the Marketing Made Simple podcast, Dr. J.J. Peterson and April Sunshine Hawkins presented an outstanding introduction to the StoryBrand messaging approach and the Marketing Made Simple sales funnel.

You’ll find the individual episodes linked here as well as two Spotify playlists for each series.

Marketing Made Simple podcast: StoryBrand Framework episodes

  1. Donald Miller—The Framework That Makes Marketing Easy

  2. Invite Your Customers Into a Beautiful Story

  3. Discover What Your Customer Really Wants

  4. What Specific Problem Do You Solve For Customers?

  5. Your Customers Are Looking for a Guide, Not a Hero

  6. Customers Never Trust a Guide Without a Plan

  7. Challenge Your Customers to Take Action

  8. Save Your Customers from Failure

  9. Give Your Customers a "Happily Ever After"

  10. How to Take Action with the StoryBrand Framework

Spotify playlist: StoryBrand Framework

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Marketing Made Simple podcast: Sales Funnel episodes

  1. Five Must-Haves for an Effective Sales Funnel

  2. Creating the Perfect Answer to the Question “So, What Do You Do?"

  3. How to Create a Website That Works

  4. Why You Need a Lead Generator and How to Build One

  5. Building Your Nurture Email Sequence

  6. Close the Deal with a Great Sales Email Campaign

  7. How to Put Your Sales Funnel Into Action

Spotify playlist: Marketing Made Simple Sales Funnel

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Books: Building a StoryBrand and Marketing Made Simple - about $20/each

If you like to linger over your learning, Don Miller’s bestselling Building a StoryBrand and Marketing Made Simple (co-authored with Dr. J.J. Peterson) are great choices. Amazon has print, Kindle, and audiobook versions available.

Book: Building a StoryBrand

Book: Marketing Made Simple

Online Courses: Business Made Simple (BMS) - $275/year

With an annual subscription to BMS, you get access to the “StoryBrand Messaging Framework,” and “Marketing Made Simple,” and seven more business-related video courses—plus monthly live coaching events with Don Miller. New courses are added each year.

The lessons and production are top notch, and you can learn at your own pace. If you’re looking for a high-value, content-rich approach to learning, BMS is the way to go.

Online Courses: Business Made Simple

Workshop: StoryBrand Livestream Workshop - $995

Hundreds of business leaders attend the StoryBrand livestream workshop each year. In two intensive days, you learn the StoryBrand and write your own BrandScript with a StoryBrand Certified Guide as your coach.

Pro tip: the Livestream is an investment, so don’t show up as a StoryBrand newbie. Have some context for the framework and you’ll get more out of the workshop: read Building a StoryBrand or take the BMS course before you attend.

Livestreams are typically held each quarter—click through to check the date for the next one. 

Workshop: StoryBrand Livestream Workshop

Cut Through the Marketing Noise

Want to get your customer’s attention and more out of your marketing? As a StoryBrand Certified Guide, I can help you do just that.

Schedule a call today and let’s talk about getting your customer’s attention.

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