Michael Gowin

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A Better Answer to "What Do You Do?"

So, what do you do?

A common question for businessfolk.

We often answer, “Well, I’m a [INSERT YOUR OCCUPATION/JOB TITLE]”:

  • I’m a financial advisor

  • I sell home security systems

  • I’m a business coach

There’s a more interesting and engaging way to respond—one that invites conversation.

Instead of stating what you do (a solution), lead with the problem your customers face.

Here’s a recipe:

[TARGET MARKET] struggles with [PROBLEM].

So if you’re a 💵 financial advisor, you could try this:

“A lot of parents in their 40s wonder how they’ll cover the costs of their childrens’ college expenses as well as retirement. At Acme Financial Planning, I help parents plan for their future financial needs so they can enjoy peace of mind today.”

A business that sells 🚨 home security systems could do this:

“A lot of homeowners want to keep their families safe but can’t afford expensive, hard-wired security systems. At Acme Security, we provide affordable, industry-leading wireless security systems so you can enjoy the peace of mind knowing your home and family are safe while saving money.”

And a 📣 business coach:

“Too many small business owners in Grand Rapids recognize they need help but don’t know where to get it. At Acme Business Coaching, I give business owners the insight and accountability they need to grow their business so they can enjoy the dream of freedom that led them into entrepreneurship.”

When you lead with your customer’s problem, you invite conversation. We call that a One-Liner.

And your One-Liner can lead to more business.

Schedule a call today and let’s talk about getting you a clear message.

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